October 2015 : AOLS Webinar: Updates from Council and Commissions


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This webinar was presented on October 7, 2015.

Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 CPD hour under the Meeting Attendance category for OLSs.

In this webinar, AOLS President Travis Hartwick, Vice-President Murray Purcell and Finance Councillor Russ Hogan provided a mid-year check-in on what the AOLS Council has been discussing, progress on the Strategic Objectives for 2015, what the AOLS Commissions are working on and how the AOLS finances are shaping up for this fiscal year. The intent was to touch on items with broad strokes to stimulate thought and collect feedback from the audience. A short question session was provided at the end of the presentation. All feedback will be considered by Council at its next meeting.