July 2018: The Survey Review Department and Its Impact on the Profession


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This webinar was presented on July 25, 2018.

Presenter: Tom Packowski, SRD Manager, AOLS

The presentation covered two areas:

The Profession:

  1. The AOLS as a self-governing profession: obligations, responsibilities and its Code of Ethics
  2. The Association structure: governance, licencing, complaints, discipline, compliance and insurance
  3. What if the Association didn’t carry out its mandate: growing distrust among the public and increased government input
  4. Why you should care: incompetence, unethical behaviour and a level playing field

The Survey Review Department:

  1. The SRD and the SRD Committee: terms of reference for each and reporting to Council
  2. SRD Programs: Comprehensive Review, Systematic Review, Funding Model and C of R and the profession