Best Practices- Field Procedures for GNSS


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Product Description

Presented by: Dr. Robert Radovanovic, P.Eng., A.L.S., C.L.S.

Over the past two decades, GNSS has become part of the standard survey tool-kit, in many areas nearly completely replacing “conventional” instrumentation.

However, as land surveyors get used to treating GPS as a “total-station replacement” – another way to derive relative bearings, distances and elevations between points – the requirement that surveyors remind themselves of the underlying geodetic principles that allow GPS to be used in land surveying becomes increasingly important. In particular, issues surrounding appropriate checks on measurements and applicable recording of field notes in a highly-digital work processes are significant.

This course includes an overview of practical issues surrounding the use of GNSS in land surveying. In addition, topics such as redundancy and reliability in RTK surveys are discussed, as are the concepts of datums and reference systems. Additional discussion around modernized position techniques, such as PPK and discussions of kinematic GPS positioning accuracies will be highlighted as well.

— Bio —

With over 20 years of experience in positioning technologies and 3D scanning, Dr. Radovanovic is actively involved in educational initiatives in the land surveying profession. He is currently the Calgary Engineering Branch Manager with McElhanney Ltd., a consulting firm specializing in civil engineering and surveying based in Western Canada.