This webinar was presented on June 22, 2016. This webinar was divided into two parts. The first part was led by Brian Maloney who provided an update on the Province Wide Survey Records Index initiative. Blain Martin, Executive Director then provided an update on the results of our recent Strategic Planning efforts. He outlined our […]
Presenter: Jeff Hitchcock, Education and Training Program Manager, Ontario OneCall CPD: CPD Time: 1.0 Formal (Webinar) hours Description: Ontario OneCall is presenting on the importance of requesting underground utility locates prior to planting monumentation during a survey. The presentation will also include how a surveyor can obtain a locate and the dangers […]
This webinar was presented on June 5, 2019. At our June webinar, President Al Jeraj and Executive Director Brian Maloney provided an overview of the new Strategic Plan and actions that will guide Council and committees over the next several years. Listen to this webinar to learn where the AOLS will be headed in near […]