This webinar was presented on September 24, 2020. Ken Wilkinson, Examiner of Surveys and Dan Petoran, Director of Land Registration will provide an overview of changes being proposed to Land Registry Office services commencing this October. Ken will also discuss the features of OnLand that will play a greater role in title searching for surveyors […]
Date: November 10th, 2021 Topic: Strategic Plan Update / Entering CPD Credits on GeoEd Presenters: Brian Maloney and Tom Packowski CPD: 1 professional (meeting) CPD hour
This webinar was presented on Wednesday, November 4th, 2020. The presentation will discuss how the assets from the National Elevation Strategy (LiDAR and High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models (HRDEMs)) are leveraged to create value-added products. We’ll take a closer look at results from automatic hydro-feature extraction, looking specifically at processes used for the extraction of water […]