Understanding generations, gender and cultures in the workforce today


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Presented by Barb Schimnowsky Search Principal and Practice Co-Leader at WATSON

July 28th ,2020

When you’ve spent 20 to 30 years building a business, letting go can be a difficult undertaking. As a result, many business owners don’t start the succession planning process well enough in advance, or ask the right questions to ensure a successful transition.

Owners want to preserve the business they’ve spent their career building, and are looking for buyers who will honour their legacy.  Whereas, the generation who are most likely to buy the business, can have different ideas that may not mesh with the owners.

This 90-minute workshop will provide you with insights into how each generation thinks, and a step-by-step process to ensure there’s an orderly transition of ownership that meets the needs of both parties.

Barb Schimnowsky is a Certified Management Consultant and Family Enterprise Advisor. She is a Search Principal and Practice Co-Leader at WATSON for executive and director search. Prior to joining WATSON, Barb established and ran a highly successful boutique search firm, WestView Executive Search, and also had a 20-year career at KPMG.