Wilson Phillips, MLS, CLS, is the new Chair of PSC. In this webinar, he outlines the Board’s ideas on their future. PSC is going through changes to become more focused on advocacy for our profession. Wilson is a Manitoba Land Surveyor and a Canada Lands Surveyor. He is past president of the Association of Manitoba […]
This webinar was presented on July 8, 2015. Science allows for modelling and the predictability of outcomes which make certainty understandable. However, recent developments in the law continue to blur other forms of certainty and could even be seen as undermining what land surveyors excel at. While such developments may make surveyors’ work more challenging, […]
January 2016: “An Introduction and Demo of the New COSINE Online Application” (Geoff Clark and Morgan Goadsby) This webinar was presented on January 13, 2015. Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 CPD hour under the Formal Activities category for OLSs. This webinar presented by MNRF Parcel Mapping and Georeferencing presented the new COSINE Online interface […]
This course was presented by the AOLS and this module covers the following topics: – Integrated Surveys – Measurement and Error Analysis – GPS Survey Equipment – Certainty not Accuracy is the Greater Challenge