NAD83(CSRS): From Static to Dynamic


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Product Description

The current geometric reference system adopted by most jurisdictions in Canada is the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). This webinar will summarize the evolution of NAD83 from the horizontal static reference frame, first adopted in 1990, to the 3D dynamic versions of NAD83(CSRS) now being used. The relationship between NAD83(CSRS) and international reference frames will be discussed, as well as the differences between the various realizations of NAD83(CSRS). The webinar will finish with some considerations for those working in NAD83(CSRS).

Presented by: Dr. Michael Craymer

Dr. Craymer received his Ph.D. in geodesy and statistics from the University of Toronto. He has been working on geodetic reference systems with the Canadian Geodetic Survey at Natural Resources Canada for the past 30 years and is currently Coordinator of Reference Frames & Earth Dynamics. He also serves on a number of international committees, and is the founding chair of both the International Association of Geodesy‘s Subcommission on Regional Reference Frames for North America, and the Control Body for the ISO Geodetic Registry.