Re-Thinking the Importance of Certainty


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This webinar was presented on July 8, 2015.

Science allows for modelling and the predictability of outcomes which make certainty understandable. However, recent developments in the law continue to blur other forms of certainty and could even be seen as undermining what land surveyors excel at. While such developments may make surveyors’ work more challenging, a willingness to redefine what we do, can reveal hidden opportunities. The AOLS has welcomed this topic by bringing you our Webinar: “Re-Thinking the Importance of Certainty”.

In this one hour session, Izaak de Rijcke will present an update on how uncertainty in respect of traditional survey products has increased and explore how we might respond. Izaak has been a regular speaker at events for surveyors and lawyers with CPD presentations and learning opportunities specifically configured for land professionals using the Four Point Learning LMS. In addition to full time practice in law and surveying, his experience includes publishing of papers, organizing annual conferences, producing a free monthly newsletter, and teaching survey law courses.

Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 CPD hour under the Formal Activities category for OLSs.