The new MyCLSS version 2.0 will provide some added functionality and user friendliness. In addition, the new interface is setting the ground to support the submission of digitally signed survey document, once the regulatory framework is in place and the regulatory process approved.
Presented live on April 5th, 2022. Certified Correct – a common term used by many land surveyors when signing survey products. In some cases it is the prescribed certification, in other cases it is chosen by the land surveyor. Two simple words – what do they actually mean? What liability is attached to them? What […]
Presented live on February 3rd, 2022. Overview and demonstration on preparing (PDF/A) and digitally signing (MyKey) survey plans and reports for submission to the CLSR, and introduction to the newly updated support section on digital files. Presented by: Trevor Penney is Manager of the Land Surveys Registry at the Surveyor General Branch, Natural Resources […]