February 2016: “Council Candidates’ Presentations” This webinar was presented on February 10, 2016. Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 CPD hour under the Meeting Attendance category for OLSs. Hear AOLS 2016 Council candidates present their platforms, without leaving your desk! Also, listen to the Q&A session with AOLS members. The following candidates have been nominated […]
This webinar was presented on December 3, 2014. Two topics were presented during this webinar. Travis Hartwick, AOLS Vice-President at the time, led off with a report from the AOLS Council meeting that took place in November 2014. The other 30 minutes were spent with Brian Maloney providing a status report on the Province Wide […]
This webinar talked about the hot topic of social media! It highlighted all the ‘need to know’ trends and tools businesses use on the main channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. The chat focused on tried and tested ways of attracting and winning new business in the modern social framework. Examples were given of how industry leaders in […]
January 2016: “An Introduction and Demo of the New COSINE Online Application” (Geoff Clark and Morgan Goadsby) This webinar was presented on January 13, 2015. Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 CPD hour under the Formal Activities category for OLSs. This webinar presented by MNRF Parcel Mapping and Georeferencing presented the new COSINE Online interface […]